Windows Malware Firewall Removal Guide

Do you know what Windows Malware Firewall is?

Windows Malware Firewall is a malicious program created to swindle you out of your money. The program is promoted as a legitimate security tool; however, it is only camouflage. Due to the fact of being malicious, this rogue should be removed from the system as soon as it is spotted in the system. This rogue is worthless because it is a duplicate of Windows Safeguard UpgradeWindows Secure Surfer or any other rogue. Windows Malware Firewall belongs to Rogue.VirusDoctor family as well as its predecessors. The name of the family already tells you that none of the members of the family can be trusted.

You cannot trust the rogue even thought the simulated system’s impairments seem to be realistic. For example, the Internet connection is disabled not because of the “infections” in the system, but because the rogue wants to remain unrecognized as a threat. Moreover, Windows Malware Firewall  hides Registry Editor where new malicious registry entries are created. The entries disable certain executable files which mean that this pest cannot be removed easily. The rogue also disables Task Manager; therefore, a chance to see what processes are running in the system is taken away.
Windows Malware Firewall Removal GuideWindows Malware Firewall screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

For sounding more persuasive, most importantly, Windows Malware Firewall investigates every corner of the computer’s system and supposedly detects such infections as Trojans, viruses and worms. For example, in the list of the threats, you might find simulated infection such as P2P-Worm.Win32 and Trojan.Winon32.Qhost. These factual infections do not exist in your system if they are presented by Windows Malware Firewall. After the installation, the rogue spreads a number of files to detect them later. Some of the files have the names of such well-known threats as presented previously. Please do not attempt to remove these infections manually, because you might cause damage to your system by deleting legal files of the system.

In addition to imaginary threats, you should also ignore simulated messages, which appear on the screen. You will find some pop-up messages saying that you should purchase the full version of Windows Malware Firewall so that it can remove the “threats”. Ignore it and remember that, in this situation, Windows Malware Firewall is the only threat that must be deleted. Please find some of the bogus notification presented by the rogue:

Please click “Remove all” button to erase all infected files and protect your PC

Potential malware detected.
It is recommended to activate protection and perform a thorough system scan to remove the malware.

Keylogger activity detected. System information security is at risk. It is recommended to activate protection and run a full system scan.

Instead of paying attention to these notifications, delete Windows Malware Firewall from the system. It is much easier to remove the rogue when it is disabled, i.e. the rogue has to be “activated” by using the activation key.


The key activates the rogue; therefore, it stops popping up the notifications, and the hidden tools are available. Remember that you still have to remove Windows Malware Firewall from the system. Open Registry Editor and remove the rogue-related entries, get rid of the malicious files and terminate the processes of the infection. These operations have to be carried out carefully and without errors. If you find it too complicated, remove Windows Malware Firewall automatically. All that you need is a powerful antispyware tool which will detect all the component of the rogue and terminate the infection.

In non-techie terms:

Windows Malware Firewall is a bogus security application which seeks your money. Remove this malware from the system in order to avoid money and data loss.Aliases: WindowsMalwareFirewall