Windows Custom Management Removal Guide

Do you know what Windows Custom Management is?

Windows Custom Management is the newest member in the Rogue.VirusDoctor family, and is the clone of the dangerous Windows Premium Console, which managed to bring cyber criminals immense profits. The new rogue antispyware has the same attributes as its predecessors, and before you catch and remove Windows Custom Management from your system, the virus will perform a deceitful attack, fueled by scare tactics, to trick you into purchasing fake security program’s licensed version. Once inside a target system, the treacherous infection will block your Internet connection, disable the running of most Windows executables and will remove your privileges to control Registry Editor and Task Manager. All of this is meant to paralyze your system, so that you could not detect and delete malignant virus’ components. Alongside these symptoms, your Windows system will also be attacked by unstoppable, fake security notifications, which will create an illusion that you need to remove various malicious infections with rogue’s full version. See such bogus alerts:

Please click “Remove all” button to erase all infected files and protect your PC

Potential malware detected.
It is recommended to activate protection and perform a thorough system scan to remove the malware.
Windows Custom Management Removal GuideWindows Custom Management screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

Warning! Spambot detected!
Attention! A spambot is sending viruses from your e-mail has been detected on your PC.
Yes, protect my PC and remove spambot now (Recommended)

Various computer threats will be reported by a deceitful rogue’s computer scanner, which will simply mimic malware detections, so that you would believe that your system is infected and you need powerful removal assistance. And if you choose to follow bogus antispyware’s recommendations, you will be sent straight to the rogue’s purchase page, where you will be met by such deceitful proclamations:

“30 Day Money Back Guarantee”

“Verified by Visa”

Whatever you do, ignore the purchase offerings, and type in 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0020 application code into the appropriate field, dedicated to existing rogue antispyware’s users. This will remove all of the virus symptoms, and your screen will be cleared from reappearing fictitious notifications. After this, you will be able to remove Windows Custom Management from your operating Windows system in no time.

In non-techie terms:

Windows Custom Management is a treacherous, fake security application, which will be employed by cyber criminals to get your money. If you do not detect and delete malignant virus’ components, they will paralyze your system, and you will have no chance at having the infectious application removed. For this reason, it is best to have the infection deleted with legal, automatic removal applications, which could ensure that your system is not being controlled by other infections that could slither inside your PC alongside the virus.

Aliases: WindowsCustomManagement.