XP Antispyware Removal Guide

Do you know what XP Antispyware is?

It would seem as the developers behind rogue security applications are becoming more and more ruthless. This is certainly true in the case of XP Antispyware. A rogue antispyware application, XP Antispyware was designed with malice intent.

Users who have fallen victim to XP Antispyware will be able to identify the following symptoms: slowed system performance, annoying popup messages, blocked Internet connections and failure to launch safe executables. XP Antispyware  employs classic scare and ransomware tactics used by other rogue applications in order to blackmail users into paying for its worthless software.

Users are urged to remove XP Antispyware the moment its’ presence is detected on the system. They should also never disclose their personal billing information to XP Antispyware’s online payment portals as they will be effectively handing that over to ruthless cyber criminals. Delete XP Antispyware to limit the danger posed to your system.

In non techie terms:

XP Antispyware is a fake security application which will harm your PC. Get rid of XP Antispyware as soon as possible to take back control of your PC.

Aliases: XPAntispyware, XP Antispyware 2011, XPAntispyware2011, XP Antispyware2011, XPAntispyware 2011.