OLyrics Removal Guide

Do you know what OLyrics is?

OLyrics is a browser add-on which you should remove from your browsers because this application falls to the category of adware. The application allows you sing karaoke on YouTube by displaying the words of the song that you are listening to. It is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, and can be acquired from several sources. Olyrics is available on its official website olyrics.co and can be bundled with free applications, such as other browser add-ons or toolbars. If you have found OLyrics installed on your PC, it is very likely that you have not noticed this application when installing some freeware. Always read the terms of use that you are provided with so that you can prevent adverse results.

We recommend that you remove OLyrics despite the fact that it searches for the lyrics of the YouTube videos. The application is affiliated with various advertising services, which means that you will find various advertisements, none of which are controlled by OLyrics. Every service that may be used by OLyrics, including GetDeal, Superfish, Dealply and many others, may use its tracking techniques, and when you browse the websites to which you are taken by OLyrics ads, you do it at your own risk. It is advisable to ignore the advertisements that are displayed because they are very often presented to drive traffic to the websites that you are not interested in. You may be offered to play online games, take part in a sweepstake, or try some unknown product or service, and you should avoid such offers in order not to expose your personal information to unreliable third-parties.

Even though OLyrics does not seek to disclose your identity, it does collect some information about you. For example, it can access your browsing history to determine your browsing habits and read other information stored on your browsing tools. Remove OLyrics if you want to get rid of various pop-ups and other types of advertisements and use the Internet safely.

Below you will find our step-by-step instructions on how to uninstall the unwanted program, but keep in mind that after you uninstall the program, some components of the application may remain within the system. Hence, you should use a spyware removal tool, and we recommend that you install SpyHunter. It will remove OLyrics from the system and safeguard it against various computer threats. As it does not require a lot of attention, you will also safe your time and energy.

How to uninstall OLyrics

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Click Start - > Control Panel - > Uninstall a program.
  2. Remove OLyrics.

Windows XP

  1. Open Start - > Control Panel - > Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Uninstall the unwanted program.

Windows 8

  1. Press the Windows key to access the Start menu.
  2. Start typing control panel.
  3. Click the Control Panel icon.
  4. Select Uninstall a program and uninstall OLyrics.

In non-techie terms:

OLyrics is a free browser add-on which is supposed to enhance your experience on YouTube. However, the application generates various advertisements in order to push the user into visiting unknown websites. It is advisable to remove OLyrics from the browsers to stop the application from monitoring your actions and displaying annoying ads.

Aliases: OLyrics addon.