Hermes Ransomware Removal Guide

Do you know what Hermes Ransomware is?

If you cannot seem to open your personal files, and the “.hermes” extension is appended to them, the malicious Hermes Ransomware must have invaded your operating system. This threat is exceptionally dangerous because it targets personal data found on your operating system. The ransomware scans it for certain types of files that represent documents, photos, and other files that you are expected to care about. Once the infection encrypts these files – and it is believed that it uses the RSA-2048 encryption algorithm – it creates files that represent the demands, as well as your personal ID key that cyber criminals allegedly can identify you by. Of course, the main reason this infection was created was to extort money from its victims, and, unfortunately, it is quite possible that some computer users will be pushed into doing that. If you have not faced the threat yet, we have tips for you on how to evade it. If you already need to remove Hermes Ransomware, we have important information for you as well.

The devious Hermes Ransomware is quite similar to other threats that belong to the same group, including Serpent Ransomware, CryptoKill Ransomware, and Pabluk Locker Ransomware. Although all of them operate in unique ways, all of them encrypt files and demand ransom fees. Also, all of these threats are spread using the security backdoor within your inbox: Spam emails. Considering that virtually anyone can send you an email, cyber criminals can use this backdoor to expose you scams, as well as corrupted emails that are directly linked to malware launchers. When it comes to ransomware, the malicious launchers are usually camouflaged as regular files that allegedly hold important information. As soon as you open the file, the infection is unleashed. When that happens, it is unlikely that you will realize that something is wrong. All in all, if the file you expected to face did not show up, or you were introduced to an alleged error, the first thing you should do is disconnect from the Internet because many of the threats rely on it. After that, you should immediately delete the downloaded file and then scan your operating system with a legitimate malware scanner, which you can transfer from a healthy computer using, for example, a flash drive. If malware is detected, it will be removed before any damage is done. Unfortunately, most users will realize that Hermes Ransomware is active only after it encrypts their files.Hermes Ransomware Removal GuideHermes Ransomware screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

When Hermes Ransomware encrypts your files, it also creates a file called “DECRYPT INFORMATION.html”. You are likely to find it copied to various folders. This is the ransom note that is meant to introduce you to the demands, and they include copying your ID from the “UNIQUE_ID_DO_NOT_REMOVE” file and sending it to or Once the creator of the ransomware receives your email, you should receive a response demanding a payment, which you will be asked to pay in Bitcoins, a virtual currency. If the files that this infection has encrypted are not backed up, paying this fee might be your only option; however, that does not mean that you should pay it. Considering that cyber criminals are completely unreliable, you cannot know for sure if they will provide you with a file decrypter after you pay the huge ransom.

Whatever you do in regards to your personal files, you have to delete Hermes Ransomware, and you need to decide whether you install automated malware removal software or you eliminate this threat yourself. Obviously, your operating system is not protected; otherwise, the ransomware could not have invaded it. Due to this, we advise installing anti-malware software that ensures automatic removal of all threats, as well as the protection that you need against malware. Even if you manage to erase the infection manually – which is not hard to do – we encourage you to install anti-malware software ASAP.

Remove Hermes Ransomware

  1. Right-click and Delete the {random name}.exe file (it might have been attached to a spam email).
  2. Right-click and Delete the file called DECRYPT INFORMATION.html (and all copies).
  3. Right-click and Delete the file called UNIQUE_ID_DO_NOT_REMOVE (and all copies).
  4. Empty the Recycle Bin to erase all components of the ransomware.
  5. Install a trusted malware scanner to examine your operating system for leftovers.

In non-techie terms:

The fate of your files is unknown when the malicious Hermes Ransomware attacks your operating system. This threat can silently encrypt your files using a complex algorithm, and it is hard to say whether or not you will be able to recover them. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on the solution provided to you by the threat either. Even if you have enough money to cover the ransom fee that is demanded, it is not known if cyber criminals would help you restore your files. There is always a possibility that no decryption key or tool will be provided to you once you pay the ransom fee. In any case, deleting Hermes Ransomware is crucial, and we advise installing anti-malware software to ensure the removal of all threats and further protection of your operating system.