Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M Removal Guide

Do you know what Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M is?

Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M is a backdoor Trojan that enters your system surreptitiously and then allows a remote attack to access and control your computer. It is a generic detection, which means there can be more than one version of these backdoors available online, threatening computer users worldwide. In order to receive instructions from its creator, Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M makes use of your bandwidth and connects to a remove IRC server behind your back. This infection is especially dangerous, because there are not exact symptoms related to it, and you might remain oblivious about the infection for a considerably long period of time.

When infection takes place, Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M can hijack real system processes or simply execute a batch file that deletes the original executable. For example, it has been noticed that the infection copies itself onto your PC as isass.exe, winmdfy.exe or qxchost.exe. Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M can also perform specific modifications in the registry, so that the malicious file would run automatically as a service, thus shielding itself from possible quick detection.

Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M has many ways to spread online. It usually exploits system vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords. The backdoor comes with a list of weak passwords that can be used to access administrator accounts on a number of remote computer that use SQL Server to run. Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M can also make use of MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and ICQ messenger to spread by sending out a message containing a malicious link to all the people on your contacts list.

The infection seriously compromises your system security, because it can steal passwords and other protected information to rip easy financial gain. It can also download and execute other malicious files onto your PC, thus becoming responsible for an ultimate system crash. Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M can also use your computer as a tool to perform a Denial of Service attack.

It is obvious that Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M poses an extremely big threat to your system and personal information security. Therefore you have to acquire a reliable antimalware program and remove Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M from your PC as soon as possible.

In non-techie terms:

Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M is a computer infection that allows hackers to access your PC. It can steal personal data and literally destroy your computer from the inside, so you have to remove Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M automatically with a legitimate computer safeguard tool as soon as possible.

Aliases: IRCbot.