Ads by BandwidthStat Removal Guide

Do you know what Ads by BandwidthStat is?

If you have noticed major disruptions within your web browser as you were surfing the web, it is likely that a devious program could be responsible for that. One such application goes by the name of Ads by BandwidthStat. If you ever happen to encounter it, we highly advise you not to download or install it since our malware experts at have classified this suspicious piece of software as a potentially unwanted program. Such category has been assigned to it due to its intrusive functionality and devious distribution. Make sure to read the rest of our report to find out more about questionable features of this potentially unwanted program. Along such information, we include a detailed removal guide crafted by our research team, which will help you terminate Ads by BandwidthStat in just a few simple steps.

Even though Ads by BandwidthStat is advertised as a great tool that you should obtain to determine your Internet speed, you must know that this questionable program does not function in the best way possible. In reality, this potentially unwanted program will only cause major disruptions while you are surfing the web as it will present you with numerous third-party ads, pop-ups, and coupons whether you like it or not. This is possible because the suspicious application starts a background system process that initiates connections to various adware servers, which are the primary source of all that invasive web content. It has to be noted that no content provided by this potentially unwanted program can be considered useful. At times the questionable application could present you with so much of that annoying and frustrating web content that surfing the web could become virtually impossible. In some extreme cases, your web browser could simply crash due to the overload of unwanted ads, pop-ups, and coupons. To regain the default functionality of your web browser, you will need to execute a complete removal of Ads by BandwidthStat without any hesitation; otherwise, this potentially unwanted program will continue to cause annoyance and frustration.

Another major reason our researchers have classified Ads by BandwidthStat as a potentially unwanted program is its dubious distribution. Upon further investigation, it has been noticed that in some cases it is spread via bundled installers even though you can obtain it from its official website. To maintain a computer that is free of any dubious program, you will need to take a few preventative steps. First and foremost make sure to have a professional malware detection and removal tool on your PC active at all times. Such a tool is critical to your virtual security as it can detect and warn you about any potentially malicious content in advance. In addition to that, you should also pay your utmost attention to every single installation procedure since you could come across an opportunity to cancel the installation of some unwanted application by simply unmarking a box. Last, but not least, you need to avoid all third-party websites as they are infamous for being the primary source of installers filled with questionable applications. By acquiring your software from official vendor's websites, you will be able to avoid setup files embedded with dubious programs. These simple preventative steps will make your operating system virtually unbreakable.

The complete removal of Ads by BandwidthStat should be executed as it is your best bet to regain the default functionality of your web browser. The instructions that we present below must be performed with care because a single mistake could have unwanted outcomes. This is so because the traces of Ads by BandwidthStat could be more than enough for it to continue its devious functionality. To avoid this, we highly advise you to run an in-depth analysis of your PC for potential leftovers linked to this potentially unwanted program.

How to remove Ads by BandwidthStat from your PC

  1. Right-click your task bar and select Start Task Manager.
  2. Click the Process tab.
  3. Select the bandwidthstat.exe process and click End Process.
  4. Open the File Explore.
  5. Go to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming.
  6. Select and remove the bandwidthstat.exe file.

In non-techie terms:

If you find manual removal and analysis of your personal computer a bit too complicated, make sure to follow the instructions that we present below. These instructions are crafted in a way that will help you delete this potentially unwanted program in an automatic manner.